"Butoh Lab Camp 2025" in the countryside in Romania (near Cluj)
"Butoh Lab Camp 2025"
in the countryside in Romania (near Cluj)
***The teachers invited ***
Yumi Umiumare born in Japan, living in Melbourne, Australia
Marlene Joebstl from Austria and France, living in Barcelona, Spain
Sachiko Ishikawa from Tokyo Japan with Thierry Castel from Paris, France
Matilde Javier Ciria from Madrid, Spain
Tebby W. T. Ramasike from South Africa and Netherlands
Yumiko Yoshioka from Berlin, Germany and Tokyo, Japan.
Guided by respect we know that our best is different at any given moment, so that’s why we offer this sliding scale:
780 € until 21 of April/ 880 € until 21 of May/ 980 € or more until 21 of July
*for prices 780€ and 880€ the places are limited
For the registration please fill out the application form:
Contact: Agnes Madaras, butohlabcamp@gmail.com
WELCOME to this exciting and enriching dance adventure !
DETAILS: https://www.facebook.com/events/1617883225445910/